Rave On for the Avon at The Poly
16 January
A documentary about the fight to protect our rivers at The Poly in Falmouth
Join The Poly in Falmouth as they showcase Rave On for the Avon (12A).
Do humans have the right to nature?
In this tender film, Director Charlotte Sawyer tells a story of a community of wild swimmers in Bristol affected by raw sewage pollution of the river Avon.
England is one of the only two countries in the world to have a fully privatised water and sewage disposal system, and with only 14% of English rivers in good ecological health, the mission to keep the rivers clean is not going well.
In a series of moving, exciting and thought-provoking scenes, the swimmers create a stunning, light-hearted yet fascinating tapestry, probing how activism starts from the grassroots, and carries a profound universal lesson for all of us.
There’s a marriage to the river, drum’n’bass, a mermaid who tows an inflatable turd, and a whole lot of cheesecake in this poignant reflection on people’s innovative battles for the natural world they cherish.
Thursday 16th January 6.00pm
Tickets: £8.00/£6.50/£6.00
Please note a £1 Poly Fund payment is added to each ticket sold. A 50p booking fee is also applied per ticket for online and telephone transactions.
Find our more and book your tickets here