The Creatures of Kernow Trail at Trebah
15 February - 3 March
A brand new trail for Feb half-term
15 February - 3 March 09:00am - 04:30pm
Discover the magic of this beautiful Cornish valley garden with over four miles of footpath. Explore under canopies bursting with exotic blooms. Follow vibrant tunnels of colour that cascade down to a secluded beach on the Helford River. With adventure play areas, children's trails and an award winning restaurant, Trebah is a family and dog friendly garden.
How well do you know your Cornish animal names?
Find the trail slates around the garden and match up the English and Cornish names for the animals you might see around the county on your trail sheet.
When you’ve finished return to the Entrance Desk by 4.30pm to collect your prize.
£2 per trail, available from the entrance desk during your visit
Find out more here