Race for Life Falmouth
13 May 2018
Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is a series of women-only events raising money for research into all 200 types of cancer.
5k (or just over 3 miles) is an achievable distance for all ages and abilities. You can take part however you like and choose to run, jog or walk your way around the course. Starting at 11am from Gyllyngvase Beach on Sunday the 13th of May. You can take part as an individual or gang up with friends and create your own group to really show cancer who's in charge.
Adult entry (16+ women-only) – £14.99
Child entry (6-15 girls and boys under 13) – £10.00
Under 6 entry (boys and girls) – free and no registration needed
This covers the cost of organising and running your event on the day. It does not contribute towards your sponsorship total, so please try and raise as much as you can to help Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work.
The course
The Falmouth route follows the undulating road along the scenic coast towards Pendennis Castle and around Pendennis Head, before returning the same way. You couldn't ask for better views.
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