Truro Race for Life Truro Race for Life Truro Race for Life Truro Race for Life

Truro Race for Life

9 July 2017

Enter Race for Life and help to beat cancer sooner!

Do you want to get fit and help us beat cancer sooner? Why not set yourself a goal and enter our 5K or 10K race!

Race for Life brings millions of women together to support our life-saving research. Just by signing up you’ll make a difference and whether you raise £10 or £200, every penny matters.

So which event is for you?

A 5k is great for all ages. Run, jog or walk the only thing that matters is that you’re part of it. Want to push yourself further? Join a 10k.

Whichever event you choose and whether you do it in a tutu or just an old pink t-shirt, THIS IS BEATING CANCER.

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