Star Gazing
29 May 2015
Kernow Astronomers is setting up a range of telescopes at Trelissick from 9.00pm on 29th May, with a public viewing starting at approximately 9.30pm.
The skies will not get really dark until just after 10.00pm, so any prior viewing will be limited to the Moon and the brighter planets.
Amateur star gazers can expect to see the many craters of the moon, Venus, and the real ""star"" of the evening.... Jupiter.
Jupiter will be visible all evening and in addition to the banding of clouds on the surface of the planet, observers should see all four of Jupiter's main moons, namely Io, Europa, Ganymede and Calisto.
Another magnificent sight to behold, in the eastern sky, will be Saturn with its glorious rings. Whilst low down at first it will get progressively higher as the evening progresses.
But that's not addition to the Solar System objects, there are many deep sky objects to be observed, from galaxies to nebulae and star clusters to constellations.
Warm clothing is advised.
This event will be weather dependant.
Time: 9.30pm
Venue: Trelissick Garden