Loe Beach Watersports Centre 20 Years
15 January 2024
This January marks the 20th year of Loe Beach Watersports Centre
The Watersports Centre at Loe Beach is situated on a private beach in a stunning location. The tranquil clear waters, combined with the picturesque surroundings and great activities will make your experience a memorable one, and activities on offer include dinghy sailing, windsurfing, kayaking and power boating.
This January, the team celebrate 20 years of being in business! Alistair took on the business in 2004 and told us more...
"In January 2004, I inherited a phone line, a couple of old sheds, placed advertising in the Yellow Pages and customers paid by cheque! Now I have to get my head around updating a website, managing online bookings and contactless card payments.
It was only with the financial help and support of family and friends that my dream became a reality. From being able to acquire a handful of dinghies, kayaks and windsurf equipment from the previous owner to liaising with the council and taking advice from those around me alongside the unwavering support of my two original landlords Pam and Paul Williams, Loe Beach Watersports wouldn’t be what it is today.
Thankfully the sailing school grew and grew over my first five years when I ran the tuition business, with regular RYA sailing, windsurfing and powerboat courses, Truro College outdoor education, the Saturday kids clubs, multi-activity and team building days. None of this would have been possible without a fantastic customer base and a bunch of keen instructors. At our busiest we had 10 staff and 40 people on the water at any one time.
Then it was time for a change to keep things fresh and I handed the helm of the tuition business over to other people to run - Liam, Bob and now the business is permanently in the very capable hands of Martyn Bawden. Alongside the tuition business, in 2009, I decided to build and develop the Watersports Equipment Hire Centre by providing motorboats, day sailing boats, dinghies, kayaks and windsurf equipment. This has evolved over the years and I now focus on kayaks, paddleboards and row boats.
Loe Beach will always have a very special place in my heart where I originally spent many long days working hard, finishing off with a cold beer with the team. Now it is a place where I still work hard but also hang out with my family and children - Agnes and Barnaby - who this is all for. It is a place that continues to see me through the different phases of my life and I look forward to welcoming everyone for the 2024 season!"
We're looking forward to the new season in April! You can find out more here